Recognizing successful covered call writing trades is just as important as executing them. On January 17, 2020, Mark wrote to me about a covered call trade that he was analyzing with SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG). He was concerned that if he bought back a deep in-the-money call, he would suffer a significant loss.

Mark’s trade

  • 12/27/2019: Buy SEDG at $94.27
  • 12/27/2019: STO (sell-to-open) the 1/17/2020 $90.00 call at $6.30
  • 1/17/2020: SEDG trading at $104.85
  • 1/17/2020: Cost-to-close the 1/17/2020 $90.00 call is $14.90

Mark was concerned that if he closed the short call to retain the shares, there would be an option loss of $8.60 per share ($14.90 – $6.30) or $860.00 per contract. Let’s first look at how the trade was structured and see if it can be categorized as successful both before and after closing the short call.


SEDG initial calculations

SEDG Initial Calculations with the Ellman Calculator

The calculations show a maximum return of 2.3% with downside protection of 4.5% of that initial time-value profit. On January 17th, that maximum return is realized prior to closing the short call.


Will closing the short call result in a substantial loss?

At expiration our shares can be worth no more than $90.00 due to our contract obligation. Let’s use the “unwind Now” tab of the Elite version of the Ellman Calculator to see the time-value cost-to-close the $90.00 short call:


SEDG unwind- information entered

Elite Calculator: Unwind Information Entered


SEDG unwind- calculations

SEDG Unwind Calculations

The brown field highlights the fact that the actual time-value cost-to-close is a mere $5.00 per-contract or 0.06%. The bulk of the $14.90 cost-to-close is intrinsic-value which is negated by increase in share value once the original contract obligation is removed.



Mark executed a successful trade where the maximum return was realized. If the short call is closed prior to expiration, the actual time-value cost-to-close is a miniscule 0.06%. Nice going, Mark!


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Upcoming event

1: Private webinar (California investment club)

Covered Call Writing with 4 Practical Applications

Saturday September 17th

9 AM – 12PM PT

2: Free webinar for entire BCI community

The feedback from our August 13th webinar was so positive, the BCI team decided to schedule another in the fall. I have written over 50 webinars over the years and will select one or write another based on your feedback regarding the topics you are most interested in. Send your ideas to: [email protected]. We will publish the topic, date and time in the near future.


Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 1 of our mid-week ETF reports.
