BCI PODCAST 129: Rolling-Up a Covered Call Trade

BCI PODCAST 129: Rolling-Up a Covered Call Trade

Watch Video: Rolling-up is a covered call writing exit strategy where the original short call is closed, and new call is opened at a higher strike price. This podcast features a rolling-up trade in the same contract expiration cycle where calculations and trade...
BCI PODCAST 129: Rolling-Up a Covered Call Trade

BCI PODCAST 128: Holding a Stock Through an Earnings Report

Watch Video: The BCI rule is never to have a covered call or put-selling option in place that expired after a scheduled earnings report. The reasons are highlighted with a real-life example with TEAM. This approach is a critical part of the BCI mission of engaging in...
BCI PODCAST 129: Rolling-Up a Covered Call Trade

BCI PODCAST 126 Analyzing the Status of a Rolling Down Trade

Watch Video: Listen to Audio: Rolling-down is one of the covered call writing exit strategy opportunities we can benefit from. In this podcast, a real-life example with WSM is examined where a 5% share loss is mitigated down to 0.9%. Calculations using the multiple...