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Calculating Covered Call Trades that are Converted to Collar Trades

Calculating Covered Call Trades that are Converted to Collar Trades

click ↑ 4 Featured What is a Collar Trade? The collar strategy consists of 3 legs: Buy stock (long position) Sell an out-of-the-money (OTM) call option (short call- ceiling) Buy an out-of-the-money protective put (long put- floor) Since a protective put debit is added...

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Doubling Our Maximum Covered Call Returns Using the Mid-Contract Unwind (MCU) Exit Strategy

Doubling Our Maximum Covered Call Returns Using the Mid-Contract Unwind (MCU) Exit Strategy

click ↑ 4 Featured Our covered call writing trades offer 2 income streams when using out-of-the-money (OTM) call strikes. (Make that 3, if we incorporate dividends into the strategy). These consist of option premium + share appreciation from current market value up...

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