Hitting a Double and Selling the Stock Using the Trade Management Calculator

Hitting a Double and Selling the Stock Using the Trade Management Calculator

click ↑ 4 Featured Hitting a Double is a covered call writing exit strategy where the short call is bought back after share price declines and resold when share price recovers. At expiration, we may decide to buy back the 2nd short call and sell the shares. This...
Lowering Our Breakeven Price Points After Disappointing Earnings Reports: The BCI Stock Repair Calculator

Lowering Our Breakeven Price Points After Disappointing Earnings Reports: The BCI Stock Repair Calculator

click ↑ 4 Featured An important BCI rule is never to write a covered call or sell a cash-secured put if there is an upcoming earnings report … too risky if the report disappoints and we don’t want to cap the upside if the report is favorable. There are...
Integrating Cash Allocation into Our Option Portfolios

Integrating Cash Allocation into Our Option Portfolios

click ↑ 4 Featured When we construct our covered call writing and cash-secured put portfolios, we must incorporate cash allocation into our investment decisions. In this article, The BCI Portfolio Setup Spreadsheet, the Trade Management Calculator (TMC) and the...
My Covered Call is Expiring In-The-Money and I Want to Keep My Shares

My Covered Call is Expiring In-The-Money and I Want to Keep My Shares

click ↑ 4 Featured Covered call writers will frequently find themselves in a position where the short call is expiring in-the-money (ITM), while still wanting to use the same underlying shares for the next contract cycle. How should this be managed? 3-approaches...