When share price accelerates exponentially with our covered call writing stocks, the strike moves deeper in-the-money. Although the intrinsic-value component of the option premium rises, the time-value component approaches zero. This creates an opportunity to consider our mid-contract unwind exit strategy. Before implementing this, or any others in our exit strategy arsenal, we must identify our post-exit strategy goal(s).


What is the mid-contract unwind (MCU) exit strategy?

This strategy closes both legs of the covered call trade and uses the cash generated from the sale of the underlying security to enter a new covered call trade with the same expiration date. In essence, it represents a second income stream in the same contract month with a similar cash investment. The key to successful implementation of the MCU strategy is to calculate the time-value cost-to-close and identify our target returns in the follow-up step or second income stream.


A real-life example with QCOM (thank you to Joanna for sharing)

  • 11/6/2021: Buy 100 x QCOM at $166.86
  • 11/6/2021: STO 1 x 11/26/2021 $170.00 call at $3.88
  • 11/16/2021: QCOM trading at $180.23
  • 11/16/2021: BTC the $170.00 call at $11.70
  • 11/16/2021: Sell 100 x QCOM at $180.23


Calculating the time-value cost-to-close with the “unwind now” tab of the Elite, Elite-Plus and Trade Management  Calculators (Information entered)


QCOM Unwind: Information Entered


Calculating the time-value cost-to-close with the Elite-Plus Calculator (Final calculations)


QCOM Unwind: Final Calculations


The spreadsheet shows a time-value cost-to-close of $147.00 for the contract which represents 0.86% of the investment.


What is our post-exit strategy goal used to make a final position management decision?

Our goal is to generate at least 1% more than the time-value cost-to-close by contract expiration. In this case, it is 1.86% by 11/26/2021. We check our current watch and corresponding option-chains to make our ultimate trade decision.



Exit strategy opportunities are the intersection of preparation and opportunity. Defining our post exit strategy goals must be part of the decision-making process.


The BCI Trade Management Calculator Package is now available/ Discount expires soon

After a year and a half of development and beta-testing our 1-of-a-kind Trade Management Calculator is here. We have packaged it with our new book, The Blue Collar Investor’s Guide to Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing and Selling Cash-Secured Puts.

We are also offering the opportunity to combine this package with our BCI Package and offering early-order discount coupons for both:

Information on the TMC Package:



Information on the BCI Package:



Early-order discount coupons (expires 5/15/2022):

TMC Package: tmc50 ($50.00 off)

Combined TMC/BCI: superdeal100 ($100.00 off)


We hope you enjoy, and most importantly, benefit from our new products.


Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI team email testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:


Thank you. It has been a great experience and quite a good trading year in 2021 and I’m happy to continue with you for another 13 months.

Best regards,



Upcoming events

1.LIVE at The Money Show Las Vegas

May 10th – 11th

Click here for information

2 presentations:

Portfolio Overwriting (free)

Tuesday May 10th at 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM

Increasing Profits in Our Buy-And-Hold Portfolios Using Covered Call Writing

A Comprehensive Analysis of Covered Call Writing: 2-hour Masters Class (paid event to The Money Show)

Wednesday May 11th at 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

How to master all aspects of this low-risk option-selling strategy


2.Money Show Canada Virtual Event

Analyzing a 1-Month Covered Call Writing Portfolio from Start-To-Finish

A real-life example with a $100k ETF Select Sector SPDR portfolio 

May 24, 2022

10:40 AM ET – 11:10 AM ET

Covered call writing is a low-risk option-selling strategy that generates weekly or monthly cash flow. This presentation will demonstrate how to implement this strategy using a database of only 11 exchange-traded funds for a 1-month option contract cycle. These are real-life trades taken directly from one of Dr. Ellman’s portfolios with screenshots verifying each trade. A final monthly contract result compared to the performance of the S&P 500 will be calculated.

Topics included in this webinar:

  • What are the Select Sector SPDRs?
  • How to establish a covered call writing portfolio
  • What is the role of diversification?
  • What is the role of cash allocation?
  • Calculating initial returns
  • Analyzing each trade in the monthly contract
  • Final results
  • Next steps

Register for free here


3. Mad Hedge Investor Summit

June 15th, 2022

12 PM ET – 1 PM ET

Topic & registration link to follow


4.American Association of Individual Investors: Greensboro North Carolina Chapter

Saturday June 18, 2022

10 AM – 12 PM ET

The PCP (put-call-put or wheel) Strategy

Using both covered call writing and selling cash-secured in a multi-tiered low-risk option-selling strategy where we either generate cash-flow or buy a stock at a discount.

Zoom webinar for Chapter members


5. Money Show Orlando live event

October 30th – November 1st, 2022


Visit Alan, Barry and members of the BCI team at Booth # 415

Details to follow.


Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 1 of our mid-week ETF reports.
