In last week’s segment, I posted a series of cash-secured put trades with Etsy, Inc. (Nasdaq: ETSY). Some trades were executed before an earnings report and a few post-earnings. This article will detail how to accurately enter and archive all trades using the BCI Trade Management Calculator.


Stage 1:

Pre-earnings report (ER) trades

  • 7/18/22: ETSY trading at $85.53 with ER due out 7/27/22. Will write a weekly put option and skip the following week of the ER
  • 7/18/22: The 10-Delta, deep OTM 7/22/22 put shows a strike of $76.00 (approximate 90% probability of no exercise based on Delta)
  • 7/18/22: STO 1 x 7/22/22 $76.00 put at $0.37
  • 7/20/22: ETSY trading at $92.66
  • 7/20/22: BTC 1 x 7/22/22 $76.00 put at $0.05
  • 7/20/22: STO 1 x 7/22/22 $84.00 put at $0.27 (roll-up #1)
  • 7/21/22: ETSY trading at $96.87
  • 7/21/22: BTC 1 x 7/22/22 $84.00 put at $0.03
  • 7/21/22: STO 1 7/22/22 $88.00 put at $0.15 (roll-up #2)
  • 7/22/22: The $88.00 put expires out-of-the-money and worthless
  • 7/27/22: ETSY closes at $95.50 and reports earnings after closing


Pre-earnings trade entries & calculations


ETSY: Pre-Earnings Entries & Calculations

The final results after 2 roll-ups included returns of 0.78% + 0.14%. The spreadsheet shows 2 capital investments (red arrows) when there should be only 1 as the first is incorporated into the 2nd. We will account for this below in the capital adjustment section.


Pre-earnings rolling-up trade notes


TMC: Trade Journal Entries


Capital Adjustment Entry Section


Capital Adjustment for Accuracy

With this adjustment % returns will be accurate and reflect profit/losses based on actual cash invested.


Initial and final portfolio results after 2 rolling trades (5-day returns)


Final Portfolio Results After 2 Rolling-Up Adjustments


Post-ER initial trade entries and initial calculations


Initial Entries & Calculations Post-ER


The spreadsheet reflects an initial time-value return of 2.39%, 39.70% annualized based on a 22-day trade.



The Trade Management Calculator (TMC) allows for pre-and post-earnings report trade entries and calculations. Using the Trade Journal and capital adjustment sections will also be useful in archiving and ensuring the accuracy of our trade calculations.


Selling cash-secured puts products available

Best book

Best online course with downloadable workbook

Best Calculator Package


Coming soon: Streamlined Approach to Covered Call Writing


My 9th Book and 2 New Spreadsheets Available in the Near Future


Premium Member Benefits Video

This is a great time to join our premium member community with its and educational (over 200 videos) benefits. We offer more benefits than ever before. For information, click here.

For video explanation, click here.


Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI teaemail testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:

Dr. Ellman,

Thanks for getting me through the 8 covered call writing/cash-secured put selling YouTube videos- I now have a number of my former students and peers trading options as well. One of my first (now former) students in Maryland has become a trading “buddy” and a personal friend of the family. Another former student actually doubled his account in 7 months… all made possible by the mentorship and educational support I have received from your work and now passed on to others. It cannot be overstated that it is through your help and wisdom/knowledge that I am now a full-time options trader! Ever grateful, Dr. Ellman! Blessings, Sir.

Upcoming events

To request a private webinar for your investment club, hosted by Alan & Barry: [email protected]


1.Long Island Stock Traders Meetup Group 

Analyzing a 1-Month Covered Call Writing Portfolio from Start to Finish

A real-life example with a $100k ETF Select Sector SPDR portfolio

Thursday February 16,2023

7:30 PM ET- 9 PM ET

Covered call writing is a low-risk option-selling strategy that generates weekly or
monthly cash flow. This presentation will demonstrate how to implement this
strategy using a database of only 11 exchange-traded funds for a 1-month option
contract cycle. These are real-life trades taken directly from one of Dr. Ellman’s
portfolios with screenshots verifying each trade. A final monthly contract result
compared to the performance of the S&P 500 will be calculated.

Topics included in this webinar:

 What are the Select Sector SPDRs?
 How to establish a covered call writing portfolio
 What is the role of diversification?
 What is the role of cash allocation?
 Calculating initial returns
 Analyzing each trade in the monthly contract
 Final results
 Next steps

Go to

Click on join to become a member (Free membership)

Then click on RSVP (meeting is free) to obtain the ZOOM link.


2.Mad Hedge Investor’s Summit

Wednesday March 15th

11 AM ET – 12 PM ET

Portfolio Overwriting: Covered Call Writing Our Buy-And-Hold Stocks

Increasing profits and avoiding tax issues 

Our buy-and-hold portfolios in non-sheltered accounts are generating 8% – 10% per year. Can we increase these yields by selling stock options while, at the same time, dramatically decreasing the probability of our shares being sold to avoid potential tax implications? The answer is a resounding “yes”.  Portfolio Overwriting is a strategy that can benefit millions of investors seeking to enhance portfolio returns using a low-risk covered call writing-like strategy.

Registration link to follow.


3.NYC & Long Island Stock Traders Investment Groups

Thursday March 16th, 2023

7:30 – 9 PM ET

Topic related to multiple applications of selling cash-secured puts.

Specific time, date, topic & description and registration link to follow.


4. Money, Markets, & Monetary Policy Virtual Expo 

April 11th – 13th, 2023.

Specific time, date, topic & description and registration link to follow.


5. Wealth365 Summit

April 17th – 22nd

Specific time, date, topic & description and registration link to follow.


6. Your Mid-Year Portfolio Review Virtual Expo 

June 27th – 29th, 2023

Specific time, date, topic & description and registration link to follow.


Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 1 of our mid-week ETF reports.
