Exit strategy opportunities may be created when there is a substantial 1-day market decline and we must be prepared to take advantage of these occasions. In June 2020, there was an 1800 point decline in the Dow 30 due to coronavirus concerns and national unrest related to police shootings. Many members of the BCI community had their buy-to-close (BTC) limit orders executed as a result of this precipitous decline. This article will highlight such a scenario with an exchange-traded fund.


Real-life example with Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE: XLV)

  • 5/16/2020: Buy 200 shares of XLV at $101.70
  • 5/16/2020: Sell 2 x 6/19/2020 $103.00 calls at $2.07
  • 5/16/2020: 2 x BTC limit orders were placed at $0.40 (20% threshold) and then changed mid-contract to $0.20 (10% threshold) on June 8th
  • 6/11/2020: 2 BTC limit orders were executed at $0.20 due to market decline
  • 6/12/2020: 2 sell-to-open 6/19/2020 $98.00 calls were sold at $1.10 (rolling-down), creating a net rolling-down credit of $90.00 per contract [($1.10 – $0.20) x 100]
  • 6/12/2020: Enter a BTC limit order of the rolled-down options at $0.10


Comparison chart of XLV and the S&P 500 in June 2020


XLV-S&P 500 Comparison Chart in June 2020


Brokerage account screenshot of the 3 trades


Broker Statement Showing XLV Trades



Mastering the skill of position management will assist in elevating our returns to the highest possible levels. By placing BTC limit orders after entering our covered call trades, we can automate this aspect of our trade management. If, and when, a BTC limit order is executed late in a contract, we can roll-down to generate additional time-value premium to assist in mitigating losses or turning losses into gains.


To learn more about the rolling-down and other exit strategies, see the exit strategy chapters in the following books/DVDs:

Complete Encyclopedia for Covered Call Writing- Classic Edition

Complete Encyclopedia for Covered call Writing- Volume 2

Covered Call Writing Online Streaming DVD Program with Downloadable Workbook


Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI team email testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:


Thank you for all your help. I’m having fun trading options. It’s an excellent financial skill to have. I’m about to transition from paper-trading to actual covered calls.

Thank you again- great people, great products!



Upcoming events

1.Wealth365 Summit

Tuesday January 19, 2021

10 Am ET

Covered Call Writing Dividend Stocks to Create a 3-Income Strategy 

Hosted by:

Dr. Alan Ellman, President of The Blue Collar Investor Corp.

Barry Bergman, BCI Managing Director

Click here to register


2.Long Island Stock Investors Group

February 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM ET

Zoom webinar- details to follow


3. AAII Research Triangle NC

April 10,2021 at 10 AM ET

Zoom webinar- details to follow


Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 1 of our mid-week ETF reports.
