Jun 27, 2020 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Put-selling, Stock Option Strategies
Options trading basics teaches us that the VIX or CBOE Volatility Index reflects the market’s expectation of the upcoming 30-day volatility. It measures market risk and is also known as the investor fear gauge. With this in mind, option-sellers are faced with a...
Aug 17, 2019 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Stock Investing, Stock Option Strategies
Options trading basics teaches us that the VIX or CBOE Volatility Index reflects the market’s expectation of the upcoming 30-day volatility. It measures market risk and is also known as the investor fear gauge. With this in mind, covered call writers are faced with a...
Jun 7, 2014 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Stock Option Strategies, Technical Analysis
Mastering stock and strike price selection are key components in successful covered call writing. There is no one factor that will dictate our choices but rather a mosaic of bits of information which will lead us to the best selections. In this article, I will discuss...
Apr 12, 2014 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Stock Investing, Stock Option Strategies
Options trading basics teaches us that the VIX or CBOE Volatility Index demonstrates the market’s expectation of 30-day volatility. It measures market risk and is also known as the investor fear gauge. With this in mind, covered call writers are faced with a...
Mar 31, 2012 | Stock Option Strategies, Technical Analysis
Stock options strategies, including covered call writing, factor in a multitude of parameters including fundamental and technical analysis as well as many common sense principles. In my books, DVDs and seminars I discuss determining market tone before making any...