Mar 11, 2017 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Put-selling, Stock Option Strategies
Whether I am selling call or put options I prefer to use a cash account. That’s where we invest and utilize only our own cash to purchase stock and secure put trades. More aggressive investors may want to magnify their returns by leveraging margin accounts. This...
Feb 18, 2017 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Put-selling, Stock Option Strategies
Selling Cash-Secured Puts can be used to accomplish several goals; Generate cash flow Buy a stock at a discount Used as part of a multi-tiered option selling strategy along with covered call writing (PCP strategy) Our strategy goal along with overall market...
Dec 10, 2016 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Put-selling, Stock Option Strategies
An accepted myth is that covered call writing and selling cash-secured puts are precisely the same strategy. The reason this statement is generally accepted by many investors is that they have the same risk-reward profiles or profit and loss graphs: In this...
Jul 2, 2016 | Exit Strategies, Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Put-selling, Stock Option Strategies
Selling out-of-the-money cash-secured puts is a fantastic way to buy a stock at a discount. It can be used in lieu of setting limit orders. If exercised, our cost basis is the put strike minus the put premium generated. If unexercised, we get paid not to buy the...
Jun 25, 2016 | Covered Call Exit Strategies, Exit Strategies, Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Put-selling, Stock Option Strategies
“Selling cash-secured puts is the exact same strategy as covered call writing”. We hear that over and over…except that it’s not. These two strategies have the same risk/reward profiles and that is why the claim is made so frequently. On page...