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There are times when our covered call writing trades turn out much better than anticipated, and share price rises exponentially after trade entry. Barry R. shared with me a series of trades he executed with E.L.F. Beauty, Inc. (NYSE: ELF), where the original out-of-the-money (OTM) strike ended up deep ITM, early in the contract cycle. This article will evaluate the benefits and risks of rolling the strike up in the same contract cycle. We will utilize the BCI Trade Management Calculator (TMC) for our calculation results.

Barry’s ELF trades

  • 4/10/2023: Bought 600 shares ELF at $83.45
    4/10/2023: STO  6 x 5/19/2023 $85.00 calls at $3.70
    4/20/2023: BTC 6 x 5/19/2023 $85.00 calls at $11.90
    4/20/2023: STO 6 x 5/19/2023 $95.00 calls at $4.60
    4/20/2023:  ELF stock trading at $95.20

We will calculate 3 scenarios:

  • Current trade status without rolling-up
  • Rolling-up with stock price closing above the 2nd strike ($95.00)
  • Rolling-up with stock price closing at $90.00

Current trade status with no rolling-up (initial calculations with price at $95.20)

  • Yellow cell (top): Breakeven price point
  • Brown cells: Initial time-value returns & annualized based on a 40-day trade
  • Purple cell: Additional upside potential if share price moves up to the $85.00 strike
  • Yellow cells (bottom): Exit strategy price points
  • Maximum return with no exit strategies: 4.43% + 1.86% = 6.29%
  • With stock price at $95.20 on 4/20/2023, the trade has 10.7% protection of this max return (price can decline to the $85.00 strike and still result in a maximum return)

Trade status if strike is rolled-up (same expiration) and is priced >$95.00 at expiration

  • Note the spreadsheet shows “rolling-out-and-up, not “rolling-up” This is because in the BCI methodology, we rarely roll-up in the same contract cycle. However, the math will work. In the next screenshot, note that we can make the appropriate notation in the TMC Trade Journal
  • Brown cells: A net loss on the option side of 4.31%
  • Yellow cells: A net gain on the stock side of 13.84%
  • Pink cells: The combined net gain is 9.53%, an improvement of 3.24% from the max return without exit strategy implementation

Trade status if strike is rolled-up (same expiration) and is priced $90.00 at expiration

  • Brown cells: A net loss of 4.31% on the option side
  • Yellow cells: A net gain of 7.85% on the stock side
  • A combined net gain of 3.54% for the rolled-up trade
  • This represents a decline of 2.75% from the max gain of 6.29%


In the BCI methodology, we rarely will roll-up our covered call trades in the same contract cycle after significant share price acceleration. Our concern is related to possible price decline due to profit-taking. Instead, we may look to our “mid-contract unwind” exit strategy for possible trade adjustments. In Barry’s series of trades, my preference would be to take no action and continue to monitor this highly successful (to date) series of trades.

BCI Expected Price Movement Calculator Now Available

The Expected Price Movement Calculator is designed to generate an approximate projected trading range for the underlying security, specific for selected contract expiration date. The at-the-money implied volatility (IV) of the stock or ETF (exchange-traded fund) is used to achieve this valuable information.

Inherent in the spreadsheet is a conversion formula that recalibrates the annualized IV stat into one specific for the contract being traded. Easily accessed option-chain data is entered into the white cells at the top of the spreadsheet and calculations will appear in the yellow cells below.

This tool will yield upper and lower ends of the trading range during the option contract being traded with an approximate 84% probability of accuracy. Watch this video for more information:

To purchase the BCI Expected Price Movement Calculator, click here.

Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI team email testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:

Hello Alan and Barry,

I very recently learned about your company and really liked what I saw in your free videos.  I was so impressed that I jumped in and purchased your full package (please see email with order info below).  I’m completely new to the market (other than my 401K), so I know I have a lot of learning to do.  I liked your approach, not only to investing but also to teaching, so my first investment is in you.  I believe in you, and I think I’ve invested wisely, and I should now have everything that I need to get educated in this area and use my newfound knowledge, along with your reports and guidance, to ease my way into retirement (I’m 63). I know that I made the right choice.

I wanted to thank you for your help and guidance.  You are very much appreciated.

Regards, Mike

Upcoming events

1. Orlando Money Show Live Event

45-minute workshop: Monday October 30th 2:10 PM ET – 2:55 PM ET

Selling Cash-Secured Puts and Strategy Choices After Exercise

2-hour MoneyMasters Class: Tuesday October 31st 9:30 AM ET – 11:30 AM ET

How to Master Covered Call Writing:

A detailed start-to-finish analysis using real-life examples.

Details & Registration information here.

2. BCI-only free webinar (all invited up to our 500 Zoom maximum)

Thursday November 9, 2023

8 PM ET – 9:30 PM ET

Zoom link will be sent to all on our mailing list as event approaches.

Join our mailing list on the blog link of this site- right side scroll down.

Selling Cash-Secured Puts: Multiple Applications

Selling cash-secured puts is a low-risk option strategy geared to generating cash-flow, but always with capital preservation in mind.

This presentation will detail the strategy, incorporating the 3-required skillsets necessary to achieve the highest levels of returns … stock selection, option selection and position management.

If and when we allow exercise of the put options, shares are put to us at a price we agreed upon. What is our next step? This seminar will discuss potential paths we can take and the rationale behind these decisions, using real-life examples and calculations.

Q&A will include covered call writing, cash-secured puts and related strategies.

Zoom link will be sent to all on our mailing list as event approaches.

3. AAII Orange County, California Chapter

AAII Investment Club members only

Saturday November 11, 2023

Details to follow.

4. Long Island Stock Traders Meetup Group

Thursday February 15, 2024

7:30 PM ET – 9:00 PM ET.

Details to follow.

Alan speaking at a Money Show event*********************************************************************************************************************