Determining Our Goal Before Unwinding Both Legs of a Covered Call Trade: A Real-Life Example with Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM) + Trade Management Calculator Discount Coupon Expiring Soon

Determining Our Goal Before Unwinding Both Legs of a Covered Call Trade: A Real-Life Example with Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM) + Trade Management Calculator Discount Coupon Expiring Soon

When share price accelerates exponentially with our covered call writing stocks, the strike moves deeper in-the-money. Although the intrinsic-value component of the option premium rises, the time-value component approaches zero. This creates an opportunity to consider...
Am I Losing Money When I Buy Back My Deep In-The-Money Strike?

Am I Losing Money When I Buy Back My Deep In-The-Money Strike?

Recognizing successful covered call writing trades is just as important as executing them. On January 17, 2020, Mark wrote to me about a covered call trade that he was analyzing with SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG). He was concerned that if he bought back...