Do you own a stock losing a significant amount of money? The stock repair strategy uses stock options to lower our breakeven price point without adding significant cash to an already losing trade. Learn the pros & cons of the strategy with a real-life example...
———- This video analyzes a series of covered call trades where 2 income streams were generated using exit strategy management. The stock lost money of the 26-day series of trades, but the investor made 1.85% in that time frame. Calculations and trade...
Is it true that selling a cash-secured put will result in only 1 income stream … the put premium? This podcast will demonstrate that this is not necessarily the case. A series of real-life put trades resulted in 3 income streams in the same contract cycle. Links...
Not all our option-selling securities come with the same risk. There is a wide range of implied volatility associated with our stocks and ETFs. High IV securities generate high option premiums but represent greater risk to the downside. The opposite holds true for low...
In the BCI methodology, we use the 20%/10% guidelines to establish a protocol as when to buy back our covered call options if share price declines. When using riskier underlying securities with high implied volatility, the role of Delta is analyzed as to why it...