Exit strategies for covered call writing will frequently allow us to convert losing trades to profitable ones. To corroborate this concept, a real-life example with Nike Inc. (NYSE: NKE) will be detailed.


Initial trade structuring

  • On 6/22/2020, 200 shares of NKE was purchased at $97.72
  • 2 July 17, 2020 $99.00 calls were sold for $1.60
  • Buy-to-close limit orders were set up using the 20% guideline (BTC at $0.30)
  • The BTC limit order was changed to 10% ($0.15) on 7/6/2020


Initial trade calculations using the Multiple Tab of the Ellman Calculator

NKE: Initial Calculations


The yellow cells show an initial 1-month time-value return (ROO) of 1.6% with upside potential of 1.3% creating a maximum 2.9%, 1-month return.


Rolling-down exit strategies used during the July contract

  • The 20% threshold ($0.30) was not reached
  • The 10% threshold ($0.15) was realized for the first time on 7/16/2020
  • The $99.00 call was rolled-down to the $98.00 strike ($0.48) on7/16/2020
  • The new 10% threshold for the $98.00 call ($0.05) was reached on 7/16/2020
  • A sell-to-open order for the $97.00 call was executed for $0.13


Broker statement showing the 2 rolling-down exit strategy trades

NKE: Rolling-Down Trades


The yellow fields show the BTC orders and the brown fields reflect the STO orders executed.


Turning a losing trade into a profitable trade

Share price declined from $97.72 to $96.28 resulting in an unrealized loss of $288.00 for the 200 shares. We received per-share option credits of ($1.60 + $0.48 + $0.13) and option debits of ($0.15 + $0.05). This resulted in a net option credit of $402.00 for the 200 shares. Factoring in unrealized share loss and realized option credit, the trade resulted in a net profit of $114.00.



Option-selling exit strategies will mitigate losses, enhance gains and turn losses into profits. This NKE real-life example demonstrates how multiple rolling -down exit strategies put cash into, rather than out of, our pockets.






Investment club program board members

If you would like to schedule a private webinar with Alan and Barry, send an email to:

[email protected]


  • Contact email
  • Contact phone #
  • Club website URL
  • Put “private webinar” in the header


Free webinar

I have cancelled all my in-person presentations through the end of the year due to the coronavirus crisis. To keep in touch with our members, we have decided to provide our BCI community with a free webinar in August. Feel free to send in topic ideas and suggestions. Send to: [email protected]. Date and time will be posted shortly.


Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI team email testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:

Alan and Barry,

Thank you very much for your webinar today. It was a great presentation and exceeded my expectations. Everyone was very pleased. It clearly had some appeal for everyone. As I was hoping, you have set the bar for future speakers.


Tyler (Program Chairman)


Upcoming event

Private webinar (California investment club)

Covered Call Writing with 4 Practical Applications

Saturday September 17th

9 AM – 12PM PT


Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 8 of our mid-week ETF reports.
