On December 21, 2020, Donna shared with me a successful trade she executed with XLF. What made this trade interesting was that the option was exercised after expiration when the strike closed out-of-the-money. This article will examine the reasons for this unusual circumstance.

 Donna’s trade

  • 11/24/2020: Buy 300 x XLF at $28.59
  • 11/24/2020: STO 3 x 12/18/2020 $29.00 calls at $0.50
  • 12/18/2020 (expiration Friday): XLF trading at $28.52
  • 12/18/2020: Since the strike was OTM, no rolling action was executed
  • 12/18/2020: After-hours, XLF moved up to $29.63
  • 12/19/2020: The 3 contracts were exercised and Donna’s shares were sold at $29.00


Initial trade structuring on 11/24/2020


XLF: Calculations with the Ellman Calculator

The initial time-value return on the option (ROO) was 1.7% with an additional 1.4% of upside potential for a total 24-day maximum return of 3.1%. That max return was realized when the shares were sold after contract expiration.


5-day chart around contract expiration


XLF Chart Around Expiration of the December 2020 Contracts


  • Red circle: Contracts expire at 4 PM Et on 12/18/2020
  • Green arrow: Price moves up at market open on Monday but never reaches the $29.00 previous strike price
  • Purple circle: Price reaches as high as $28.85 before declining


2 explanations

1.After-hours news: Informal news about naming Janet Yellen as the new Treasury Secretary was initially met favorably by the financial community. Market-makers have until 5:30 PM ET to notify the OCC about exercising options.

2. XLF had an ex-dividend date on Monday 12/21/2020 making Friday 12/18/2020 a potential target for exercise. In general, the trading date prior to the ex-date is the most likely candidate for early exercise. Donna did not capture the $0.15 per-share dividend but did enjoy a hugely successful covered call trade.



Out-of-the-money call strikes are rarely exercised. When they are, after-hour news and ex-dividend dates are 2 of the more prominent explanations.


Best calculator for selling calls and puts: Click here


Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI team email testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:

Hi Alan,

I have been with BCI maybe 18 months or so and am a retired mortgage banker.

Last year (2020) the S&P 500 return was 16.29%.  My Roth IRA account annualized return or yield was 19% and my larger Rollover IRA (both at Charles Schwab and Company) annualized return or yield was around 22.50%.  Both of these returns thanks to a large degree to you, Barry and BCI!!  So, a big thank you both!



Upcoming events

1. How to Trade It Podcast

Available on June 3rd: A link to the interview will posted on this site and in social media when provided to BCI

Interview with Casey Stubbs

The focus will be on an analysis of covered call writing from a beginner’s perspective.

Link to interview will follow.


2. Mad Hedge Traders and Investors Summit

June 8th: 11 AM – 12 PM

The Many Uses of Stock Options: Portfolio Overwriting & the Stock Repair Strategy

Click here to register for free


3. Money Show Virtual Expo

July 13th – July 15th

2-hour Money Masters Course (paid event to The Money Show)

4 Practical Applications to Selling Cash-Secured Puts

Details to follow


4. Wealth365 Investor Summit

Week of July 12th – 17th

Multiple Applications of Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ) in Our Option-Selling Portfolios

Details to be posted when finalized



Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 1 of our mid-week ETF reports.
