Benefitting from exit strategies, in our covered call writing and put-selling portfolios, is the result of preparation and opportunity. Our 20%/10% guidelines for covered call writing protects us when share price declines and guides us as when to close the short calls. This allows us take further action including selling the stock, waiting to “hit a double” or rolling-down. During the May contracts of 2021, market volatility allowed me to go further than “hitting a double” when I actually “hit a triple”, generating 3 income streams in the same contract month, with the same stock and cash investment. This article will highlight those series of trades.


Covered call writing trades with Select Sector SPDR Utilities (NYSE: XLU), an exchange-traded fund (ETF)

  • 4/19/2021: Buy 400 x XLU at $67.05
  • 4/19/2021: STO 4 May 21, 2021 $68.00 calls at $0.66
  • 4/28/2021: BTC 4 x May 21, 2021 $68.00 calls at $0.15 (20% guideline)
  • 5/3/2021: STO 4 x May 21, 2021 $68.00 calls at $0.62 (that’s my “double”)
  • 5/5/2021: BTC 4 x May 21, 2021 $68.00 calls at $0.12 (20% guideline)
  • 5/10/2021: STO 4 x May 21, 2021 $68.00 calls at $0.33 (that’s my “triple”)
  • 5/10/2021: Set a BTC limit order at $0.03 (10% guideline)


Preparation and opportunity

Part of the preparation involves setting the BTC limit orders after entering our covered call trades. Opportunities are created when share price declines and then recovers. If we were to envision the chart pattern of such trades, we would see one or more V-shaped patterns which is precisely what occurred in May 2021 with XLU.


Chart of XLU highlighting the STO and BTC “hitting a triple” trades


“Hitting a Triple” with XLU



Mastering and incorporating the 3rd required skill, position management, into our option-selling trades, will assist in elevating our returns to the highest possible levels. The additional income streams created by using exit strategies are the result of the intersection of preparation and opportunity.


No price increase for premium members

On November 1, 2021, BCI will be raising membership rates for new members only. This will not apply to current members. It’s been 4 years since we had a rate increase. In that period, we have added dozens of training videos, additional downloads and resources and more quality data to our stock and ETF reports. We are fortunate to have such a robust and expanding membership and strive to provide the best high-quality information and tools at the lowest industry prices.

This price increase will not apply to current active members as you are grandfathered into the current rate for life or as long as your membership remains active. This is our way of showing our appreciation to our long-term members.

The increase for new members will go into effect on November 1, 2021 as follows:

Monthly: $19.95 for the first (trial) month and $57.95 each 30-days thereafter (currently $49.95).

Annual: $657.40 for the first 13 months (includes a reduced first month and a free last month) and then $695.40 every 13 months thereafter (includes 1 free month). Currently $569.40 and $599.40.

All new members who subscribe between now and 10/31/2021 will be grandfathered into the current rate and will see no price increase on 11/1/2021.

Thanks to all our loyal members for your support over the past 14 years and for putting on the financial map.

Premium membership information


Your generous testimonials

Over the years, the BCI community has been incredibly gracious by sending our BCI team email testimonials sharing stories as to what our educational content has meant to their families. Moving forward, we have decided to share some of these testimonials in our blog articles. We will never use a last name unless given permission:


Donna and Tom


Upcoming events

1.Wealth365 Summit: Free webinar

Monday October 11th at 4 PM ET

Stock Options: How to Use Implied Volatility to Determine Strike Selection

Creating 84% probability successful trades 

This presentation will detail how to use implied volatility stats, standard deviation bell curves and conversion formulas to establish projected high and low ranges for price movement of a security over the life of an option contract.

These formulas will allow us to create 84% probability of success trades where share price is highly unlikely to fall below the breakeven price point or above the out-of-the-money call strike where share retention is a critical aspect of our strategy.

While there is inherent risk in all strategies that seek to beat risk-free returns (Treasuries, for example), the strategies discussed in this webinar will be ultra low-risk and appropriate for most retail investors.

Register here for free


2. Money Show Virtual Event: Free webinar

November 2nd

Converting Non-Dividend Stocks into Dividend Stocks 

Selling call options to create dividend-like cash-flow

Date, time and registration link to follow


Alan speaking at a Money Show event


Market tone data is now located on page 1 of our premium member stock reports and page 1 of our mid-week ETF reports.
