Oct 1, 2011 | Option Trading Basics
So how much cash can we generate selling options on the stocks that have passed our fundamental and technical screens? The answer lies in the option chain. This is a list that quotes option prices for a given security. For each underlying security, the option chain...
Jan 4, 2009 | Option Trading Basics
Definitions: Implicit in the term covered call writing is the fact that we are selling call options. They are covered because we first own the underlying equities prior to selling the option. Since this is my first article of the new year and given the fact that we...
Aug 17, 2008 | Investment Basics
Your best friend calls you to tell you about a company that has developed a technology so unique that the profits about to be generated will make all investors filthy rich. He read about it on a blog site that his buddy from the the local Pizza Parlor referred him to....
Apr 29, 2008 | Investment Basics
Make money so you don’t lose money. No, this is not a quote from Yogi Berra! It’s me, Alan, speaking and I make no apologies for this seemingly sophomoric statement. On April 12, 2008, I wrote an article wherein I described a negative cash flow property I...
Apr 12, 2008 | Investment Basics
The light bulb went on! I have a property in Florida that is negatively cash flowing. I also have a skill generating cash by selling stock options. This is a marriage made in heaven! When I started trading stock options, the cash was used to pay for my son’s...