In the BCI methodology, we use the 20%/10% guidelines to establish a protocol as when to buy back our covered call options if share price declines. When using riskier underlying securities with high implied volatility, the role of Delta is analyzed as to why it...
———- This video discusses how to craft low–risk cash-secured put trades. Calculations to determine the premium returns based on low-risk choices are quantified using the BCI Expected Price Movement Calculator and the BCI Trade Management...
Watch Video: This podcast studies the whipsaws in price movement of a high implied-volatility ETF. What, precisely, should we be focused on? The presentation includes discussions on implied volatility, earnings reports, market movement and corporate news. There is...
Watch Video: Covered call writing exit strategies include rolling-down opportunities. We buy back the short call and sell another at a lower strike in the same contract cycle. This podcast shows a real-life example with XLE when rolling-down occurred with only a few...
Watch Video: This podcast will detail how to use high IV, elite-performing ETFs in a conservative manner, mitigating much of the risk inherent in high IV securities. Strike selection, intrinsic- and time-value along with spreadsheet calculations will be included in...