When selling covered calls or cash-secured puts, using contract expirations several months out (or longer) have the appeal of large option premiums. However, when we annualize these returns, they pale in comparison to the returns generated by shorter-dated expirations. Another concern related to longer-dated expirations is the potential exposure to risky earnings report events.
What is the Square Root Rule?
This rule applies to at-the-money (ATM) strikes. Simply stated, it takes approximately 4 x the time to double an option price when using longer-dated ATM options. If a 1-month option return is $1.00 per share, to double that to $2.00, we would have to go out 4 months. The square root of 4 = 2. Let’s add more color with a real-life example using Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL).
AAPL 8/16/2024 expiration option-chain on 7/15/2024

With AAPL trading at $230.43 on 7/15/2024, the $230.00 ATM strike shows a bid price of $7.80. Now, if we go 4 months out, will we receive 4 times that amount, $31.20? The square root rule states that we will receive only double that amount, the square root of 4 = 2. Let’s see.
AAPL 11/15/2024 expiration option-chain on 7/15/2024

With AAPL trading at $230.43 on 7/15/2024, the $230.00 ATM strike shows a bid price of $15.20. This is approximately double the 1-month $7.80 return, not even close to quadrupling that initial return.
Using shorter-dated options will result is greater annualized returns. It will also assist in avoiding earnings report events and, in some cases, ex-dividend dates. Let’s not be enticed by large initial premiums until we put those cash returns into proper perspective and evaluate the pros & cons of using these options.
Stock Repair Calculator

What is the stock repair strategy?
- Own shares at a price higher than current market value (unrealized loss)
- Willing to forego potential profit in exchange for lowering the breakeven price point
- Not willing to add additional funds to the current losing position
- Instead of buying shares at the lower price to “average down”, an at-the-money (near-the-money) call option is purchased and funded by selling 2 out-of-the-money call options
- 2 long positions (stock and ATM or NTM call)
- 2 short positions (OTM calls, covered by long positions)
- This action will lower the breakeven price point
- The strategy does not protect against additional downside loss
- The strategy does cap the upside
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Upcoming events
1. BCI-only Webinar
8 PM ET – 9:30 PM ET
The Collar Strategy: Covered Call Writing with Protective Puts
Protecting covered call trades from catastrophic share loss
This is the strategy Bernie Madoff pretended to use. He called it the split strike conversion strategy, but it was simply a collar. The covered call sets a ceiling on the trade and the protective put guarantees a floor on the trade.
Topics discussed
- What is the collar strategy?
- Uses for the collar
- Entering a collar trade
- Option basics for calls
- Option basics for puts
- Real-life example with NVDA
- What is an option-chain?
- Real-life example using the BCI Trade Management Calculator (TMC)
- Strategy pros & cons
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- Q&A
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2. Long Island Stock Investor Group Part I
February 13, 2025
7:30 – 9:00 ET
Private investment club
Covered Call Writing Dividend Stocks
3. Las Vegas Money Show
February 17 – 18, 2025
- Ultra Low-Risk Approaches to Covered Call Writing and Selling Cash-Secured Puts
- Covered Call Writing Technology Stocks
4. Long Island Stock Investor Group Part II
March 13, 2025
7:30 – 9:00 ET
Private investment club
Cash-Secured Puts: 2 Outcomes
5. MoneyShow Masters Symposium Miami 2025
Thursday May 15, 2025
Details to follow.

Premium Members,
This week’s Weekly Stock Screen And Watch List has been uploaded to The Blue Collar Investor Premium Member site and is available for download in the “Reports” section. Look for the report dated 12/20/24.
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Barry and The Blue Collar Investor Team
Premium members:
This week’s 4-page report of top-performing ETFs, along with our sample trade of the week, has been uploaded to your premium site. The Select Sector SPDR section is now crafted to align with our streamlined (CEO) approach to covered call writing. The report also lists Top-performing ETFs with Weekly options, mid-week market tone as well as the implied volatility of all eligible candidates.
We have also included a sample trade taken from one of our BCI watchlists.
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Alan and the BCI team