Mar 1, 2014 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Stock Option Strategies
Covered call writers and all investors using stock options strategies have one thing in common: we all want to achieve the highest possible returns within the framework of our own personal risk tolerance. The focus of this site and The Blue Collar Investor is to...
Feb 15, 2014 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Stock Option Strategies
We must master strike price selection to maximize our covered call writing returns. In our BCI methodology, strike price selection is ultimately determined after our careful stock screening analysis and overall market assessment. By developing a watchlist of eligible...
Jan 25, 2014 | Covered Call Exit Strategies, Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Stock Option Strategies
Covered call writing has some drawbacks as do all investment strategies. Profit limitation by the strike price is one such disadvantage. How do we manage a situation where the price of the stock moves well above the strike sold? Some covered call writers will roll out...
May 25, 2013 | Investment Basics, Option Trading Basics
In the BCI methodology for covered call writing we use predominantly 1-month options. The reasons are as follows: Generate the highest annualized returns Allows us to avoid earnings reports, a key rule in the BCI methodology Keep our obligation to a short-term time...
May 4, 2013 | Option Trading Basics, Options Calculations, Stock Investing, Stock Option Strategies
Innovative covered call writers can develop ideas of implementing a strategy in unconventional ways. For example, we can invest in a money market or CD and perhaps not even beat the inflation rate with those dividends. We can buy a quality bond and wait six months to...